10 Mistakes Every New YouTuber Should Avoid in 2022

Tue. 28 Dec. 2021 1634 4 min

It is not a shame for a new YouTuber to make mistakes when creating videos and managing the channel. Mistakes can always make you learn and grow. However, there are many things that could be done in a better way, and you wish you could have known it before. So here we'll sum up the typical mistakes that newcomers often make and give some tips on how to avoid them.

1. Believe You Deserve Immediate Success

2. Choose the Wrong Thumbnails

3. Come Up with the Wrong Titles

4. Have No Intros

5. Spamming Comments

6. Low-quality Audio, Video and Lighting

7. Delete Content Casually

8. Never Promote Videos On Social Media Regularly

9. Too Harsh on Yourself 

10. Get Monetization Too Early

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Image Source: Pixbay

1. Believe You Deserve Immediate Success 

Many new YouTubers are failing to have a long-term vision at the very beginning. Without it, it gets more difficult to brand your YouTube channel. You may decrease your YouTube channel activity when you are in your busiest time or change the type of your channel content. None of these can make your channel last for a longer time! If you can make a long-term plan of the content you’ll love to consistently create and share, you’ll be able to make a deep connection with your audience and never run out of good ideas of content.

2. Choose the Wrong Thumbnails

Although Youtube Studio can create thumbnails automatically and simply, new YouTubers neglect to work on thumbnails as carefully as on the videos. This is a mistake because a thumbnail is the first thing a potential viewer sees, and it's an engaging and attractive thumbnail that makes the viewer click on the video. You need to actually grab people’s attention by creating an engaging thumbnail and the title on it. Because if they don’t click your video, they will rarely watch it again.

3. Come Up with the Wrong Titles

Newcomers on Youtube don’t know how to title their videos in an ineffective way. Rather than choosing the mostly-searched words, they come up with the titles summarizing the whole video content or title their videos like big YouTubers do. However, big YouTubers can use non-searched titles like “Can you believe what just happened?” to attract people’s attention. Because they already have a large number of followers. They never count on getting discovered through search. But you have to. So just choose the mostly-searched words and put them in your titles.

4. Have No Intros

The intro is truly one of the most important parts of your video. According to the research, people decide if they want to watch the whole content just by the first five to ten seconds. If you make the intro too long and boring, or not even have one, maybe you should sit down and carefully think about how to make an attractive intro.

5. Spam Comments Everywhere

We have to admit that it is commonly seen on YouTube. Many YouTubers comment on popular videos from big YouTubers and ask viewers to check out their own channel. But it is not a wise thing and it can even make people dislike you. Instead, you should vibe with people, which means you should leave comments that people will like and feel the same. Then they will discover and subscribe to your channel intuitively.

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Image Source: Pixbay

6. Low-quality Audio, Video and Lighting

This kind of mistake doesn’t mean that you should buy a new camera or a set of professional lights. The truth is you can do better if you just prepare the shooting environment instead of taking actions without thinking. You can find a quiet place to make sure the quality of audio is enough. And you can just choose a day with good weather, shooting video in front of the window so that the lighting is good. It’s all about the methods but not the equipment.

7. Delete Content Casually

First of all, when you delete your content without thinking, you're just damaging the metrics on your channel. It removes allof the views and all of the watch time, which is so important for people working towards monetization. Secondly, never feel embarrassed about the early content you've already made before. It's wonderful and fascinating to see the progress of a creator who went from nothing but now a YouTube megastar.

8. Never Promote Videos On Social Media Regularly

YouTube is definitely not the only way for you to promote your channel. In order to get more views from YouTube’s search engine, you must generate some of the buzz on your own. When uploading a new YouTube video, you can tweet it and promote it on your other social media. Somepeople even started sharing their YouTube videos with an email list. Share them with the audience you have already built such as your friends, your families and your colleagues etc. The more people see the video, the more the audience grows.

9. Too Harsh to Yourself

A lot of people who want to start a YouTube channel always think that their content has to be perfect to begin with. But the truth is they'll never begin. Start somewhere, look back on the content that you've made and see what you can do better. Aim to improve them step by step and never try to create perfect content with one shot. Maybe in the short term, you can’t see the progress. But when reviewing your videos from six months ago, you will see the radical changes and improvements that your audience can connect with that. And finally you will see it’s your mistakes that make you and your content grow better.

10. Get Monetization Too Early

Of course, many people want to be YouTubers because of making money. But it’s never a quick process. The viewers don’t like ads naturally. If you don’t want to distract them, you should boost your influence before monetizing. When the subscribers grow to a big number, you can gradually increase the ads in your videos.


If you want to be a YouTuber, knowing these tips is not enough. When it comes to the post-production, a useful video editing tool should really help a lot. The Filmage Editor is a professional but easy-to-use video editing app for you to process all the footage you import. Download and use it to help build your YouTube business.

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